Reinventing Data Sharing

When companies and entities share data internally or externally, it can unlock different types of corporate, social and economic benefits.
The challenge is, with any sharing of data, comes risk, particularly if that data is sensitive. Its a common belief that the best way to keep data safe, is to not share it at all. And we agree.
Verifoxx enables organizations to collaborate on data without exposing it. Data never leaves its owner —even Verifoxx never sees original data. Using privacy-enhancing technologies, Verifoxx transforms data into a secure, cryptographic format that acts as a trusted voice. This allows partners to ask questions and receive verified answers without ever accessing the raw data. The result is secure, private, and trustworthy collaboration that protects sensitive information while unlocking its value.
In 2023, the Information Commissioners Office in the UK released new guidance that endorses privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) as best practise for the sharing of sensitive data and encourages entities to employ at least one PET. Verifoxx uses not just one, but four different privacy enhancing technologies.
Product Benefits
Privacy Preserving
Verifoxx ensures data never leaves its owner but there are other ways that privacy preserving protocols can help. For example, privacy preserving searches allow companies to query each other’s data without revealing their own identity, or privacy preserving verification requests, where a company needs to verify a data point, but does not need to hold the data themselves.

Flexible And Compatible
Data comes in all shapes and sizes and Verifoxx has designed for this. Our Privacy Enhancing Technologies can work with structured and unstructured data, good quality and low quality. Our architecture is agnostic and can easily integrate with third party components and services, cloud or on prem.
Keeping track of when, how and why data gets shared for compliance or internal processes is a huge burden for data protection teams. Verifoxx automates this, giving full digital visibility on how a dataset gets used while ensuring any mandatory conditions are complied with. This includes tracking the lifecycle of a dataset and pushing notifications to relevant teams in real time.

Data Linkage
Data comes in all shapes and sizes and Verifoxx has designed for this. Our Privacy Enhancing Technologies can work with structured and unstructured data, good quality and low quality. Our architecture is agnostic and can easily integrate with third party components and services, cloud or on prem.
4 PETs We Use
At Verifoxx, we believe that no single PET can address the complex needs that data owners have.Verifoxx uses four different Privacy Enhancing Technologies which helps us deliver advanced security and functionality during data collaboration.

Zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs)
Verifoxx uses Zero Knowledge Proofs to perform queries and get verified responses back about a dataset, without any data leaving its owner.

Multi Party Computation (MPC)
The secure processing in Verifoxx nodes leverages Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to collaboratively generate partial proofs, ensuring that no single node has access to the complete data.

Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
Secure enclaves, or TEEs, are a hardware based privacy enhancing technology deployed by Verifoxx to ensure that data stays with its owner, and also to protect the cryptographic algorithms that transform data into a new cryptographic format, from attack.

Partial Homomorphic Encryption
Verifoxx employs the Paillier cryptosystem, a partially homomorphic encryption scheme, supporting our capacity to handle numerical data.